郑顺利师傅 Master Tay S L

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

八卦掌 培训课程

八卦掌是中国著名的内家拳术,它是一种以掌代拳, 以行步走转为主的拳术. 由于它运动时纵横交错﹐分为四正四隅八个方位﹐与“周易”八卦图中的卦象相似﹐故名八卦掌.

八卦掌的运动特点是 身捷步灵﹐随走随变﹐与对方交手时身体起伏拧转﹐敏捷多变。拳谚说它“形如游龙﹐视若猿守﹐坐如虎踞﹐转似鹰盘”。其基本功以桩步﹑行步为基础.

其锻练方法松肩沉肘, 实腹畅胸, 滚钻争裹, 奇正相生.
其 姿势舒展, 刚柔相济, 开合虚实. 摆扣转换, 注重内舛兼修, 强身健体, 延年益寿, 防身制敌的拳种.

Bagua Zhang is an renowned Chinese Internal Style Martial Arts. It uses palm strikes to replace punches. Due to its unique footwork that takes great resemblance to the Eight Trigram Diagram in Zhou Yi (Book of Change), this set of martial arts is named as Bagua Zhang (lit.Eight Diagram Palm).

Bagua Zhang's features are agility, flexibility and adaptively.


Nos of Lesson
Module 1
桩功, 呼吸法
单换掌  , 双换掌
顺式掌 ,  背身掌
Stance, Breathing
Bagua Zhang ( Old Form)
Technique 1 , 2. 3 & 4
Techniques  Application

10 Lesson
(1 hr 30 mins)
Module 2
平衡力, 反应力   八母掌
回身掌 ,双抱掌  磨身掌 ,平展掌
Awareness Bagua Zhang 
(Old Form)
Technique 5, 6 ,7 & 8   Techniques  Application

10 Lesson
(1 hr 30 mins)
Module 3
, , ,  , ,      , , ,穿
Practical Technique
Parry, Block, Push, Support, Remove,  Guide, Lead, Lock, Penetrate
Techniques  Application

12 Lesson
(1 hr 30 mins)
Module 4
演练/ 技术实用
Bagua Deer Horn Swords
Short  weapon Routine
Techniques  Application

12 Lesson
(1 hr 30 mins)

课程教练: 郑顺利 师傅 (国际级武术教练)
Conducted by Master Tay (Wushu Coach International Level)
For more information, please visit http:// xingyi-kempo.blogspot.com

Friday, November 5, 2010

Introduction to Xingyi Quanfa

It has been a long time since I have update this blog. I may be stagnant in updating but our training is not. Our Xingyi Quanfa training sessions have been going on attracting interested trainees from all walks of life.

Let us take a look at this Xingyi Quanfa introduction video to have a feel of what Xingyi Quanfa is all about.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Upcoming Xingyi Quanfa class in November 2010

A new class teaching Xingyi Quanfa will be commencing in November 2010. It will be located at Lor 6 Toa Payoh on every Wednesday from 7.30pm to 9.15pm. Interested participants can email Master Tay for more details.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bagua Zhang 八卦掌

Bagua Zhang is one of the Chinese Internal Style Martial Arts that Xingyi Kempo (Singapore) is keen in promoting. The following is a demo clip performed by Master Tay.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Master Tay's 50th Birthday

Master Tay had celebrated his 50th birthday last week...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

八卦掌简介与培训课程 Introduction to Bagua Zhang and Bagua Zhang Training Course

八卦掌是中国著名的内家拳术,它是一种以掌代拳, 以行步走转为主的拳术. 由于它运动时纵横交错﹐分为四正四隅八个方位﹐与“周易”八卦图中的卦象相似﹐故名八卦掌.

其特点是 姿势舒展, 刚柔相济, 开合虚实. 摆扣转换, 注重内舛兼修, 强身健体, 延年益寿, 防身制敌的拳种。

八卦掌的运动特点是 身捷步灵﹐随走随变﹐与对方交手时身体起伏拧转﹐敏捷多变。拳谚说它“形如游龙﹐视若猿守﹐坐如虎踞﹐转似鹰盘”。其基本功以桩步﹑行步为基础。 其锻练方法松肩沉肘, 实腹畅胸, 滚钻争裹, 奇正相生, 流传至今大约有一百多年。


八卦掌分为“定架子”﹑“活架子”﹑“变架子” 3步功夫。“定架子”是基础功夫﹐要求一招一式﹐规规矩矩﹐宜慢不宜快﹐以求姿势正确﹐桩步牢固﹐行步平稳。

八卦掌的基本内容是八母掌﹐也称老八掌﹐即单换掌﹑双换掌﹑顺势掌﹑背身掌﹑翻身掌﹑双抱掌, 磨身掌﹑和平展掌﹐各地流传内容不完全相同﹐有以狮﹑鹿﹑蛇﹑鹞﹑龙﹑熊﹑凤﹑猴八形代表的﹐也有用双撞掌﹑摇身掌﹑穿掌﹑挑掌等作为基本八掌的内容。其中每一掌都可以衍化出很多掌法﹐素有一掌生八掌﹑八八六十四掌之说。


Bagua Zhang is an renowned Chinese Internal Style Martial Arts. It uses palm strikes to replace punches. Due to its unique footwork that takes great resemblance to the Eight Trigram Diagram in Zhou Yi (Book of Change), this set of martial arts is named as Bagua Zhang (lit.Eight Trigram Palm).

Bagua Zhang's features are agility, flexibility and adaptivity.

Xingyi Kempo (Singapore) is conducting a series of Bagua Zhang Training Course starting this coming August. Please refer to the right-side panel for details in training schedule and content.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Introduction on Chan Men Taijiquan / Zen Taichi 禅门太极拳介绍


Chan Men Taijiquan / Zen Taichi is an unique style in the Taijiquan genre. Xingyi Kempo is keen in promoting Zen Taichi in the near future.

Chan Men Taijiquan / Zen Taichi 禅门太极拳

Xingyi Kempo Training Diary: 24.07.10

The Crossing Fist was not taught today. We practiced the Pounding Fist with footworks.

A more interesting activities took place during the analyze strength exercise. I was paired with a course mate who could really deliver heavy and fast punches. I am slow in my reaction to begin with.

Although I was hit on the chest quite a few times, I was glad on my own that I could actually feel the changes on his body when he was about to strike me. It was only my fault that I was not well trained enough to react to the strikes properly.

I was reminded by a friend's statement that I have heard, "Getting hurt in training ground is to prevent you from getting really serious harm in the battlefield!"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Xingyi Kempo Training Diary: 17.07.10

A drizzling morning and we learn the 4th basic strike, that is the Pounding Fist. We only got to practice the hand movement for the Pounding Fist and not with the footworks. Pounding Fist, representing the element fire, has its unique combat characteristic.

It's interesting to study the unique characteristics of each of the 5 basic strikes and to understand them so that to better use in self defence situation.

Looking forward to learning the Crossing Fist this Saturday.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Xingyi Kempo Training Diary: 10.07.10

A bright and sunny morning, a morning that was packed with energy too. After the Yangshen Gongfa and warm-up exercises, we revised our Splitting and Drilling Fists. This time round, we practiced by combining both hand movements and footwork. I will need more practice to get used to executing my moves. Martial arts, like other forms of arts are about practice and nothing but practice. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect!

Today we got to learn the third basic strike in Xingyi Quanfa, the Crushing Fist. We practiced the half-step Crushing Fist. As compared to the footwork of Splitting and Drilling Fists, the half-step Crushing Fist reach is noticeably shorter. However, with the correct coordinate movements from the body, the half-step Crushing Fist is still enable to deliver an overwhelming blow. And of course, it takes practice!

I seems to be reminding myself about practice and more practice!

Besides target-striking practice, we also had a analyse-strength (听劲) practice. The exercise is to practice how to feel the strength of an opponent's strike. The interesting experience that the softer I allow my arm to be, the better I could feel the opponent's strike. But it's so difficult to maintain being soft consistently.

Well...I will just have to put in more practice!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Xingyi Kempo Training Diary: 03.07.10

It was a raining and drizzling Saturday morning. A perfect condition to snooze a little longer in the bed. However, I was already up and ready for our training! After warming up, we went on to practice our Santi Shi and Splitting Fist. Splitting Fist is one of the five basic strikes that every Xingyiquan exponent has to learn. These five basic strikes were choreographed with the concept of the Chinese classical five elements theory. Splitting Fist belongs to the element of Metal. Splitting Fist is know as 劈拳 in Chinese and 劈 literally means chopping.

Master Tay reminded us that the motion of Splitting Fist is akin to chopping our target with an axe. Its motion is a downward swing with our striking palms from a higher position towards our target. I mentioned striking palm instead of striking fist is because the Splitting Fist that we are learning is in open-hand form and not in clenched fist form. This variation was introduced by Master Li Luoneng, the founder of Hebei Style Xingyiquan.

Everyone got to try the application of Splitting Fist by striking on the punching pads again!

Teck Tiong's' attempt!

My attempt!

I find that the target-striking exercises are very interesting and useful. They help me to understand that I can hurt my myself if I land my strikes on the wrong time and wrong way.

After striking with Splitting Fist for some time, Master Tay taught us the Drilling Fist as well. Drilling Fist belongs to the element of Water. I think the remaining Fists will be taught in the five elements generating cycle sequence. So after Drilling Fist, we should be learning Crushing (Wood), Pounding (Fire) and Crossing Fists (Earth).

As usual, we end the training by cooling down, Yangshen Gongfa and sitting meditation.

Sitting meditation at the end of lesson.

The practice of such meditation is to calm ourselves down. Such sitting breathing meditation can be practiced at any quiet place. It helps to ease and calm our monkey minds. A good sitting will make one feel refreshed, or even better, bring us clarity.

Looking forward to the next training!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Xingyi Kempo Training Diary: 26.06.10

Last Saturday we had a short ice-breaking before we started our lesson proper. It was interesting to know that my classmates come from different walks in lives. We even have 2 Malay classmates! It is quite a challenge to convey essence of Chinese martial arts into English but I guess that it is only a matter of time for us to overcome this hurdle.

Master Tay brought us through some of the Yangshen Gongfa (health enchancing exercises) and reliterate the details we ought to pay attention to. I feel that if we can practice the Yangshen Gongfa consistently and regularly, it may help us to improve our mindfulness body coordination. This is because Yangshen Gongfa has specific choreographed breathing and stretching movements. Therefore, to practice them correctly, we have to be very mindful and calm.

We had also practiced Santi Shi and Splitting Punch. At the latter part of the class, the men had a taste of landing their Splitting Punches on a punching bag! It was also my first time practicing striking on a target. I felt that it was a very different experience.

I remember Master Tay had shared with us that isolated movement tranings are meant for us to be familiar with the movements. It will also help to train and improve our sense of balance and body co-ordination. Whereas target-striking trainings are the practical part of each isolated movement trainings.

I felt that I was quite nervous and my strikes turned out to be too stiff! Better try in my next lesson!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Xingyi Kempo Training Diary: 19.06.10

Last Saturday, Master Tay held an introduction and trial class on Xingyi Kempo. The introduction and trial class were meant for upcoming Xingyi Kempo Module 1 that is to be commenced tomorrow. Master Tay went through would practicing Xingyi Kempo be beneficial to one's health with reference from Traditional Chinese Medicine ("TCM") point of view.

Xingyi Kempo, being the genre of internal martial arts, emphasizes on the coordination of our bodies and how simple actions like breathing, specific stretching on different body parts and a change of diet have the potential in improving the quality of our health and lives.

Master Tay went on to give an overall view on Form-Boxing (形拳) and Mind-Boxing (意拳) in Xingyi Kempo.

Master Tay demonstrates as he explains

Master Tay had also shared with us the different types of strength that a human body has the potential to develop and generate. He went on teaching the audience a simple exercise that allow us to feel our own qi.

Participants doing a simple stretching workout to feel their qi

After which, interested participants stayed back for the trial class! Master Tay taught the class Santi Shi (三体式 lit. Three Body Stance) and Splitting Punch (劈拳). Santi Shi is the basic standing stance in Xingyi Kempo. With prolonged and appropriate training, it can help to improve the over all body endurance. Splitting Punch is one of the five basic strikes in Xingyi Kempo. Although Splitting Punch looks simple and straight forward, to get it right, there are still details to work on with. We have to learn to be mindful of our body coordination and how we breathe.

To me, it can be both surprising and amusing to know how clumsy my body could be! But I figure it out that this will be one of the reasons why would I want to participate in this Xingyi Kempo Module 1, that is to improve my body coordination!

I'm looking forward to my next lesson and I guess it is always good to have something to look forward to and some more things to discover about yourself.

P/S: If you wish to find out more about Xingyi Kempo, email Master Tay.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

感想篇 - 形意十二形拳(进阶班)培训课程










而在来临的星期六将开办的Module 1里头,郑教练将带学员们从形意拳的基本功,即三体式及五行拳练起。对此独树一帜的内家拳,形意拳有兴趣者,敬请电邮郑教练得知详情!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

形意拳法 Xingyi Kempo



Xingyi Kempo is a martial arts system that is choreographed in a systematic and standardised manner by integrating the traditional Chinese Xingyi Quan and Neijia Gongfa. It is a system that is more complete in theory and technical aspects and they are reasonably arranged from superficial to the profound and from simplicity to complexity. It emphasizes on training of a person’s Jing, Qi, Shen and Jin internally with matching practices consisting of practical combat techniques and health-enriching gongfa. All of these bring you to the effects of becoming a stronger person in health, self defence and character development.

The movements are rich yet easy to learn and not restricted by age or gender. It is suitable to be practiced in either indoor or outdoor.

Benefits of Xingyi Kempo

1. Improve and Enhance Physical Fitness

By going through technique practices, it improves a person's strength, speed, balance and co-ordination. such comprehensive development brings benefit to one's health.

2. Improving Self Defence Ability

By going through the various technique training, including hand and foot work, it improves a person’s agility and fast reaction. Hence, one’s self defence ability will be increased as the techniques become natural reaction after training for some time.

3. Reduce Stress

Through the practice of health-enhancing Gongfa to help reduce stress and anxiety and to achieve a state of calmness. It also brings balance to the whole body from the combination of breathing and body movements.

Master Tay S L (Wushu Coach International Grade) will be coaching on Xingyi Kempo commencing 19 June. Courses will be conducted in modules. For more details, please email Master Tay.